About Shungite

Special stone

So far, this stone has only been found in one place on earth. In Karelia in Russia near the Finnish border.
What makes this stone so special is that it is made up of the molecule β€œFullerene”
This fullerene is only found in nature in Shungite. So there is no other mineral that contains fullerene.
This makes the properties of Shungite unique:

It is a:

  • Protective
  • Absorbent
  • Healing
  • Bactericidal
  • Cleansing
  • Neutralizing
  • Harmonizing

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Another unique thing is that this stone has no negative properties. Only positive ones. This stone is so far the best gemstone/mineral against radiation, including 5G, WiFi, laptop and PC.

The powerful influence of Shungite on health is also fascinating and the research is still in full development.

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The noble Shungite is the Shungite that consists of 98% fullerene. This also means that it works more strongly than the β€œnormal” Shungite, which consists of approximately 40 to 60% Shungite.

Because of all the excavations they do, only 1% of Noble Shungite is found, this makes the stone expensive and is therefore charged per gram.



History of Shungite (also called Shungite or Shungite)

A piece of Shungite history

In the northwest of Russia, in Karelia on the Zhunga river, a type of stone is found that is unique in the world. The story goes that the mother of Michael Romanov (the first tsar of the Romanov dynasty, 1613-1617) became seriously ill during an attempt to escape from her persecutors and was in danger of dying. This great nun Martha was taken by a farmer to a place known locally as the β€œWell of Life” and at his insistence she drank of that water and was healed after a few days. No one knew that the healing power of the water was due to the special stone layer in that area, the Shungite stone.

A century later, a descendant of this Martha, Tsar Peter the Great, happened to hear of someone who had been healed thanks to this same spring water. Tsar Peter investigated and discovered the connection for the first time. He experimented with the water as well as the stone, and the results were so good that he decided that every soldier during the many wars of those days should carry a Shungite stone with him, for his own health but also to avoid polluted water. clean. For example, he wanted to prevent epidemics of dysentery in his army.

With the arrival of a new tsar, the stone and its special powers were once again forgotten. Only in the last 25 years has interest increased again. There was an export ban in force for a long time, so the stone remained unknown outside Russia. Research was done, and a company focused on mining, producing and selling the Shungite stone, mainly for medicinal purposes.


Researchers discovered to their surprise that the layer of Shungite rock must be at least two billion years old. This means that it was not created from compressed plant remains, like coal or gold, for example: there were no forests in this Stone Age.

But how did it come into existence?

One theory is that these are primitive microscopic organisms from shallow bays in prehistoric times. A second theory addresses the possibility of the result of a volcanic eruption. The following applies to both: why only here?

Another theory is that this earth layer was created by the impact of a gigantic meteorite, giving the name of the old planet Phaeton.

The Shungite stone is different from all other minerals on earth.

The color is black and the unpolished items will stain. The special thing is that if you put the chunks in the water, the water remains clear and therefore does NOT turn black.

The hardness is 3.5/4 on the Mohs scale, and the density is 1.9 grams/cm3.

The difference is in the natural ‘fullerenes’: Shungite contains molecules consisting entirely of carbon, in the shape of a hollow sphere, ellipse or tube. They look like graphite, but have a different shape. Fullerenes were only discovered at the end of the 20th century, and three scientists received the Nobel Prize for this in 1996.

Unfortunately, there are also negative reports about Fullerenes. This is because they are replicating them in a laboratory and conducting tests on them.

Unfortunately, science is still not convinced that something β€œanimated” cannot be recreated in a laboratory.

Physical explanation Shungite

Chemical composition and properties of Shungite

Shungite includes almost all values ​​​​or elements from the Mendeleyev period bound table. It is common knowledge that not all chemical elements are good for humans. A wonderful property of Shungite is that only healthy substances are released.

Moreover, experts have every reason to believe that the water Shungite gave birth to life, because its natural structures and complexes are located close to the living cell.

Shungite eliminates and absorbs everything that is a danger to humans and other living things, and concentrates and restores everything that is useful to a human being.

The scientists who have examined Shungite unanimously declare that it is a miracle! On October 9, 1996, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to award the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Robert F. Curl Jr, Professor Sir Harold, W. Kroto and Professor Richard E. Smalley for their discovery of fullerenes.

Nowadays, fullerenes is widely discussed around the world. Fullerene is a new special form of carbon. The Fullerene molecular structure resembles a football and represents hollow carbon ions. Without delving deep into chemical-physical jungles, we can say that the discovery of a new form of carbon has been announced, a sensation of the 20th century, discovery of the newest material of the 21st century!

Early in the 20th century, the causes of Shungite’s healing effects were partially elucidated by science. It turned out that in this mineral, largely made of carbon, spherical molecules, the fullerenes, can occur.

Fullerenes are a special form of carbon, the first to be attempted to be modeled into space processes in scientific laboratories, and were only discovered after their occurrence in the Earth’s crust. The significance of this discovery is confirmed by the fact that the scientists who investigated this theme were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997.

But to better understand the natural wonders of Shungite’s effect, you need to delve further into details of the properties of these fullerenes. Until recently, carbon was thought to have three forms of existence in nature, carbon, graphite and diamond. These substances can be distinguished from each other by their chemical structural differences.

Diamond but very very little. In diamond, each carbon atom has 4 bonds with another carbon atom. Graphite is much more common. Each carbon atom then has 3 single bonds. The 4th electron can make a double bond or be available to conduct electric current.

Diamond consists of pure carbon where each carbon atom has a bond with another carbon atom. Each carbon atom is in the center of a tetrahedron, from which the tips of the four neighboring atoms are formed. This structure determines the properties of diamonds as the most solid substance on earth.

Diamond is the hardest material in the world. It has a very high refractive index. As a result, diamond reflects a lot of light (instead of letting the light through after refraction). Very valuable material for several reasons.

Graphite also consists of pure carbon. Now each carbon atom has a bond with one other carbon atom. In the crystal structure of graphite, carbon atoms form the hexagonal rings, in turn, a solid and stable honeycomb-like network. These networks are regularly stratified on top of each other, the layers are hardly connected to each other.

This structure is responsible for the specific properties of graphite, such as low hardness and the character, it is easy to shatter in the smallest scales. So each atom has one p-electron left. These give Ο€ bonds. But these electrons are also available for electrical conduction. The fact that the pi bonds are weak is also evident from the fact that graphite is a lubricant. The carbon plates slide easily over each other.

Fullerenes are molecules composed entirely of carbon , in the shape of a spherical surface, consisting of six and pentagons. A hollow sphere , ellipsoid or tube. Spherical fullerenes are called buckyballs and cylindrical fullerenes are called buckytubes.

Nature has an exact order of these compounds, each hexagon bordering three Hexagons and pentagons three, and each pentagon bordering, only Hexagons. The spherical carbon atoms have strong bonds with each other. This ball-like structure makes the Fullerene molecule the perfect lubricant. No matter how big balls roll between the abrasive surfaces, the different atoms and molecules in the carbon spheres are truly fantastic substances.

Great importance is attached to the application of fullerenes in medicine. The almost regular spherical structure of the molecule as Fullerene microscopic size (diameter of 0.7 microns). Researchers suggest that these molecules could serve as a mechanical barrier against virus entry into the cells of an infected organ.

Fortunately, the only natural fullerenes discovered in the earth’s crust after laboratory tests do not contain these “disadvantages”. The scientific world has learned about this unique substance after some former Soviet scientists at the University of Arizona (USA) examined Karelian Shungite samples and were surprised to find fullerenes.

An intensive search then began for other fullerene-containing rocks and the question of how they originated on Earth. Later terrestrial fullerenes have been found, including Canada, Australia and Mexico, each on the crash bodies of meteorites. These were some of the filled fullerenes: inside the hull there were helium atoms. Strange was the fact that it did not contain any fullerenes containing helium-4, that is to say the isotope usually found in terrestrial rocks.

On the contrary, it contained another isotope rarely found on Earth, which also occurs in helium-3. According to the researchers, these isotopes only formed in space under certain conditions, in the so-called carbon stars or in their immediate environment. They succeeded in determining the rise of time at the bottom of the fullerenes examined. The crater of the meteorite that crashed in Canada was about 2 billion years ago, in the Archaic Era, when the Earth was still lifeless and hollow.

The other fullerenes were at the boundary between the deposits and the

Permian-Triassic, their age is estimated at 250 million years. Just then, a giant asteroid had fallen to the ground, causing catastrophic destruction.

The healing properties of Shungite rock were demonstrated by the “martial water” and “Zarewna spring” opened in 1714.

Shungite rock was deposited in this water. The suspicion was that organic radicals are trapped in the Shungite molecules to form the fullerene water-soluble compounds, something that caused headaches for science.

Shungite is a natural mineral with a specific crystal structure, based on carbon. Carbon is known and is the foundation of life on Earth.

The origin of Shungite, whose geological age is more than 2 billion years, has not yet been clarified. Among other things, we suspect that the remains of the Shungite rock Phaeton is a planet that could have existed in our solar system at some point. You will only find the Shungite in one area on Earth.

The expressions are small piles or granules, known as “globules”. Add these carbon balls to water and they move the water molecules around, giving them structure and healing powers. Carbon is an essential element of life.

To be precise, about the healing properties of this mineral rock, it is said that the qualities of this rock are: preserving the beauty and durability of the organs and which receive the body’s systems to slow down the aging process. The Karelian Shungite stones are truly unique because they have only been found at this one site until now.

Chemical composition: